Super UNO (スーパーUNO) is a Super Famicom game released on November 12, 1993 in Japan.
It’s a console version of the card game Uno for 1 or 2 players. You can play against CPUs for a total of 6 players.
There’s a regular mode, a team mode, as well as a board game mode.
The game includes the Uno rules.
There are two scoring variants and a “house rule” option where you can play +2 and +4 on top of each others.
Version | Date | Link |
1.0 | January 23, 2025 | Super Uno (English) 1.0.bps |
The patch applies to the following rom:
Name: Super Uno (Japan)
File/ROM SHA-1: 8130449B2B9A9CCF01B9472E17F7ED01FBC49B76
File/ROM CRC32: 61441201
The item option adds a memory mini-game for the winner of a game. If you find at least one pair, you get an item to use at the start of the next game.
See the item list below (marked Uno).
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Board Game
In the board game mode, you compete against 3 opponents. You move around a board where the spaces each have different effects (bonus points, movement, items).
Along the way, you acquire items that can be used on the board to mess with other players, or at the start of Uno games to help you win.
There are different 5 boards. The first 4 boards each have 4 castles where you play a Uno game to rescue someone. Beating the 4th castle of each board triggers the end.
The 5th board only has one castle where the final opponent is.
There’s a password system to save between each board.
01 | カードオープン | Peek One | (Uno) Reveal one opponent’s hand |
02 | カードこうかん | Exchange | (Uno) Discard any cards and draw back to 7 |
03 | WILDカード | Wild Card | (Uno) Starts with a Wild |
04 | ブラックカード | Black Card | (Uno) Starts with a black 0. |
05 | WILD・D・F | Wild Draw Four | (Uno) Starts with a +4 |
06 | オールオープン | Peek All | (Uno) Reveal all opponents’ hands |
07 | オリジナル | Supreme | (Uno) Starts with action cards |
08 | どくけし | Remedy | (Uno) Remove action cards before scores after a loss |
09 | とくてん2ばい | Score*2 | (Uno) Score x2 |
0A | 0ばんUNOカード | 0-Roul. | Puts zero cards on your opponent’s roulettes |
0B | 1・2ばんUNOカード | 1-2-Roul. | Puts 1 and 2 cards on your opponent’s roulettes |
0C | とてもげんきのもと | 3-9-Roul. | Your roulette goes from 3 to 9 |
0D | あくまのうなりごえ | Devil | Your opponents skip a turn |
0E | アイテム・ガーダー | Fortify | Gives points on use |
0F | てんしのホイッスル | Angel | Teleports everyone to your space |
10 | おおかみのとおぼえ | Wolf | Your opponents move back 1 to 6 spaces |
11 | ようせいのおまもり | Yōsei | Gives 10 points per round. One use: your opponents lose points. |
12 | ゆうわくのくちぶえ | Charm | The closest opponent to the goal moves back |
13 | こそどろこびとのけ | Thieves | Steal points from the top score |
Character names
おうのうち かおる | Kaoru (Kaoru Ounouchi) |
ひがしやま みどり | Midori (Midori Higashiyama) |
つくも しょうぞう | Shōzō (Shōzō Tsukumo) |
さんじょう しげる | Shigeru (Shigeru Sanjō) |
いじゅういん なな | Nana (Nana Ijūin) |
はやし ろくろうた | Rokurōta (Rokurōta Hayashi) |
あかぎ きよえもん | Kiyoemon (Kiyoemon Akagi) |
はちかわ ひろゆき | Hiroyuki (Hiroyuki Hachikawa) |
あおしま りょうこ | Ryōko (Ryōko Aoshima) |
チャンスーエリアン | Elian (Elian Jiangsu) |
ミセス ねんりき | Nenriki (Mrs Nenriki) |
チャム チャチャイ | Chartchai (Cham Chartchai) |
ローラ ワイルダー | Laura (Laura Wilder) |
ドロォーエフスキー | Doroevski |
コールドレンジャー | Cold (Cold Ranger) |
うの しょうたろう | Shōtarō (Shōtarō Uno) |
Jiangsu (チャンスー) could be a reference to a Chinese university (江蘇大学).
Chartchai (チャチャイ) is a Thai given name.
Nenriki (ねんりき, 念力) can mean willpower, faith or telekinesis.
I tried to transcribe the personality of each one but the very limited space made it difficult.
WRAM addresses
. | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 |
Points | $883 | $8E3 | $943 | $9A3 |
Item Count | $88A | $8EA | $94A | $9AA |
Item IDs (3 bytes) | $896 | $8F6 | $956 | $9B6 |
Roulette (set when it stops): $666
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