Wedding Peach - English Patch

Wedding Peach - English Patch

Wedding Peach (ウェディングピーチ) is a Super Famicom game released on September 29, 1995 in Japan.

It is based on the anime of the same name: Wedding Peach (愛天使伝説ウェディングピーチ).

It’s a party game for 1 to 3 players. It contains 8 different mini-games.

The story is a tournament over 3 days of the 8 mini-games and is based on a specific episode (see anime section).

I am aware of the existing translation patch by Chaotic Translations released in 1998. I didn’t use it for my translation, I worked from scratch.


Version Date Link
1.0 December 28, 2024 Wedding Peach (English) 1.0.bps

The patch applies to the following rom:
Name: Wedding Peach (Japan)
File/ROM SHA-1: A40F2CA85F532F74E769FA3D3265121D3A98666D
File/ROM CRC32: 5FC89932


01 02 03
04 05 06
07 08 09
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18
22 23 24


In the story mode, after the 3rd day, there’s a final game. It’s a battle against Igneous (イグニス igunisu) and Blackie.

You have to dodge attacks while shooting them. It’s not shown but everyone starts with 100 pts. You get 10 pts if you hit Blackie, 20 pts for Igneous. You lose 5 pts if the fire wave hits you.

Whoever deals the most damage gets a bonus: 100, 200 or 300 pts. (respectively for 4/6/8 games per day)

Igneous has a final dialogue which changes if he escaped or not.

Depending on who got the most points, there’s a short cutscene:

Momoko and Yousuke Yuri and Yanagiba Hinagiku and Takuro
ending-momoko.png ending-yuri.png ending-hinagiku.png

The final scene is always the same. It’s just like the ending of the anime episode.


The anime

If you’re note familiar with the anime: here’s a good and quick overview.

The game is loosely based on episode 24 that you can watch here.

or there:

Open Video Player

The story mode reuses the main story line of that episode and even uses lines from it verbatim.

The two main differences are that the game doesn’t mention Takuro being possessed by Igneous, and Blackie doesn’t transform into a human-sized devil.

Overall, the game transcribes the visual identity of the anime pretty well, it’s a shame that the minigames are not great (at least as a single player).

anime game
- -


When the girl transforms into their Love Angel counterpart, they have a call (a common magical girl trope).
The game uses samples of the actual voice actors of the anime. It’s probably why they are credited at the end of the game.

Sample Audio
Momoko: Wedding Beautiful Flower!
Yuri: Wedding Graceful Flower!
Hinagiku: Wedding Attractive Flower!


The character that acts as the game host is Jama-P.

In the original version, he speaks with a kind of lisp and ends all phrases with ピー (pi).

For example, instead of ください (kudasai) he says くだちゃいピー (kudachaipi), instead of です (desu) he says でちゅピー (dechupi).

In this translation, I wrote him as speaking normally. I didn’t want to have him say “pee” at the end of every sentence and confuse anyone who has no reference to the Japanese version. I wonder how the English dub of the anime handled that (couldn’t find any video of it).

Unused texts

Here are some texts that I extracted from the game but could not found used anywhere.

I usually leave placeholders for these values, here I translated them without full context. Hopefully, it doesn’t break the game.

Pointer Offset Value
5086B 50880 それじゃあ さがしてね せいげんじかんは 10びょう
50879 508BE つぎは ゆりがえらんでね
50887 508E0 さいごは ひなぎくね
50895 508FE やったね ももこ! 40てん あげる
508A3 50930 やったね ゆり! 40てん あげる
508B1 50960 やったね ひなぎく! 40てん あげる
508BF 50994 ざんねん だったね!
50915 50A24 しゅうりょう
50E32 52921 いまの 結果を発表するピー
50E40 52945 つぎに 合計点を発表するピー
51991 5241C Wedding Beautiful Flower!
5199F 52451 Wedding Graceful Flower!
519AD 52484 Wedding Attractive Flower!
519BB 524B9 {8E}かぜたちぬ あかトンボまい あきまぢか 学園祭でもりあが る この今日のよき日に たのしみなダンスパーティーを じゃましようだなんて ゆるせ ない! 愛天使ウェディングピーチは とっても ごきげん ななめだ わ!
51D12 507A5 みんな 十字キーの移動とBボ タンのジャンプで こうげきを よけて Aボタンのひっさつわざで イ グニスをこらしめるんだピー! スタート!
51DDE 5296B 今日の総合成績を発表するピー
51DEC 52991 今日は これで おしまいだよ


WRAM addresses

Scores (2 bytes) for current mini-game:
P1 $246
P2 $248
P3 $24A

Total scores (2 bytes):
P1 $23A
P2 $23C
P3 $23E

Timer current mini-game $31

Game Credits



Written By

