Dynami Tracer - Extra Content

Dynami Tracer - Extra Content


Like many Satellaview games, Dynami Tracer ends with a postcard that shows the player score and a password used to verify that score.
Players would write down and send their postcard to St.GIGA in order to receive gifts, such as telephone card.
The highest scores also entered a raffle where the winners were awarded a certificate of excellence.

Send a postcard with your score and the password that will be shown after completing the game to St. Giga during the game’s broadcast period.
The winners of the raffle will receive gifts such as telephone cards and outstanding achievers will receive certificates of appreciation!

There is no doubt that in the future, it will fetch a significant price!

One of those winners is 市長queen (@DynamiTracer on Twitter). A devout Square collector.

Here’s a picture of the phonecard they won: (source)

Famitsu Magazine

Here is a translated Famitsu article about the game.

Japanese Translation

Original Soundtrack

The music was composed by Nobuo Uematsu, known for his compositions in the Final Fantasy series.
The music in Dynami Tracer makes extensive use of sampled voices.

Notably on the Squaresoft logo, two voices can be heard saying 宇宙から (uchuukara from space) and こんにちはー(konnichiwa hello).

There’s also a memorable “Yeah!” sample that plays everytime the player acquires a treasure.

Sample Audio
宇宙から (From space)
こんにちはー (Hello)

Official release

The soundtrack was officially released by Square Enix for the TGS 2021 as part of a collection under the name:

The Dynami Tracer soundtrack is on disc 3, tracks 30 to 47.

There’s two issues with this release:

  • A typo in the word “Alien” for track 35
  • They forgot to include the “true ending” music

You can listen to this missing track on YouTube: YouTube - Dynami Boogie

Zophar’s domain

The SPC files of the soundtrack can be found on Zophar’s domain .
Unfortunately the track names are not correct, not in order and some tracks are missing.

Complete SPC soundtrack

Track Official Title English Game Section File
1 宇宙からこんにちは! Hello from space! Introduction / Space Map spc
2 ババンババン Babambabam Title Screen / Character Select spc
3 ねずみの星からchu! Squeak from the Mouse Planet Mouse Planet spc
4 ねずみの星からババンババン Babambabam from the Mouse Planet Mouse Planet race spc
5 Clock Beat Clock Beat Clockwork Star spc
6 Ailien in the dark Alien in the dark Satella / Station spc
7 Die in Skullbone! Die in Skullbone! Death Metal concert spc
8 デスボーン様にひざまずけ! Kneel before Lord Deathbone! Deathbone Lair / Cemetery spc
9 サンドの飯より、お宝発掘! Sand’s livelihood, digging up treasures Sand Planet spc
10 だめだ、こりゃ This is hopeless Moleman Cave spc
11 A Bacteria Dance Song A Bacteria Dance Song Monster Stomach spc
12 歌は世につれ As the song goes, so goes the world Octave Karaoke Box spc
13 俺に歌わせろ! Let me sing! Octave Race spc
14 オクターブながれ旅 Journey passing by Octave Octave Enka Theme Song spc
15 まもるぞ! ぼくらのオクターブ! Let’s protect our Octave! Octave Hero Theme Song spc
16 キス☆ミー! オクターブ Kiss ☆ me! Octave! Octave Idol Theme Song spc
17 オクターブハウス ロック Octave House Rock Octave Rock Theme Song spc
18 結果発表! Results announcement! Reaching the goal spc
19 ダイナマイ・ブギー!! Dynami Boogie Winner’s Ending spc

Download all the SPC files: Dynami Tracer OST - spc files.zip

Complete soundtrack

As the currently available soundtracks for the game on YouTube are incomplete, I made one:
Dynami Tracer - Complete OST


Track Title File Audio
01 Hello from space! Sample 03
01 Hello from space! Sample 04
02 Babambabam Sample 03
02 Babambabam Sample 04
02 Babambabam Sample 05
02 Babambabam Sample 06
02 Babambabam Sample 07
02 Babambabam Sample 08
02 Babambabam Sample 09
02 Babambabam Sample 10
02 Babambabam Sample 11
02 Babambabam Sample 12
03 Squeak from the Mouse Planet Sample 04
03 Squeak from the Mouse Planet Sample 05
03 Squeak from the Mouse Planet Sample 06
04 Babambabam from the Mouse Planet Sample 03
04 Babambabam from the Mouse Planet Sample 04
04 Babambabam from the Mouse Planet Sample 05
04 Babambabam from the Mouse Planet Sample 06
04 Babambabam from the Mouse Planet Sample 07
04 Babambabam from the Mouse Planet Sample 08
04 Babambabam from the Mouse Planet Sample 09
04 Babambabam from the Mouse Planet Sample 10
04 Babambabam from the Mouse Planet Sample 11
04 Babambabam from the Mouse Planet Sample 12
05 Clock Beat Sample 03
05 Clock Beat Sample 04
05 Clock Beat Sample 05
05 Clock Beat Sample 06
05 Clock Beat Sample 07
05 Clock Beat Sample 08
05 Clock Beat Sample 09
06 Alien in the dark Sample 03
06 Alien in the dark Sample 04
06 Alien in the dark Sample 05
06 Alien in the dark Sample 07
06 Alien in the dark Sample 08
07 Kneel before Lord Deathbone! Sample 03
07 Kneel before Lord Deathbone! Sample 04
07 Kneel before Lord Deathbone! Sample 05
07 Kneel before Lord Deathbone! Sample 06
07 Kneel before Lord Deathbone! Sample 07
08 Die in Skullbone! Sample 03
08 Die in Skullbone! Sample 04
08 Die in Skullbone! Sample 05
08 Die in Skullbone! Sample 06
08 Die in Skullbone! Sample 07
08 Die in Skullbone! Sample 08
08 Die in Skullbone! Sample 09
09 Sand’s livelihood, digging up treasures Sample 03
09 Sand’s livelihood, digging up treasures Sample 04
09 Sand’s livelihood, digging up treasures Sample 05
09 Sand’s livelihood, digging up treasures Sample 06
09 Sand’s livelihood, digging up treasures Sample 07
09 Sand’s livelihood, digging up treasures Sample 08
09 Sand’s livelihood, digging up treasures Sample 09
09 Sand’s livelihood, digging up treasures Sample 10
10 A Bacteria Dance Song Sample 03
10 A Bacteria Dance Song Sample 04
10 A Bacteria Dance Song Sample 05
10 A Bacteria Dance Song Sample 06
10 A Bacteria Dance Song Sample 07
10 This is hopeless Sample 03
10 This is hopeless Sample 04
12 As the song goes, so goes the world Sample 03
12 As the song goes, so goes the world Sample 04
12 As the song goes, so goes the world Sample 05
12 As the song goes, so goes the world Sample 07
13 Let me sing! Sample 03
13 Let me sing! Sample 04
13 Let me sing! Sample 05
13 Let me sing! Sample 06
13 Let me sing! Sample 07
13 Let me sing! Sample 08
13 Let me sing! Sample 09
13 Let me sing! Sample 10
14 Journey passing by Octave Sample 03
14 Journey passing by Octave Sample 04
14 Journey passing by Octave Sample 05
14 Journey passing by Octave Sample 06
14 Journey passing by Octave Sample 07
15 Let’s protect our Octave! Sample 03
15 Let’s protect our Octave! Sample 04
15 Let’s protect our Octave! Sample 05
15 Let’s protect our Octave! Sample 06
15 Let’s protect our Octave! Sample 07
15 Let’s protect our Octave! Sample 09
15 Let’s protect our Octave! Sample 10
15 Let’s protect our Octave! Sample 11
15 Let’s protect our Octave! Sample 12
16 Kiss me! Octave! Sample 03
16 Kiss me! Octave! Sample 05
16 Kiss me! Octave! Sample 06
16 Kiss me! Octave! Sample 08
16 Kiss me! Octave! Sample 09
16 Kiss me! Octave! Sample 10
17 Octave House Rock Sample 04
17 Octave House Rock Sample 05
17 Octave House Rock Sample 06
17 Octave House Rock Sample 07
17 Octave House Rock Sample 08
17 Octave House Rock Sample 09
17 Octave House Rock Sample 10
18 Results announcement! Sample 03
18 Results announcement! Sample 04
18 Results announcement! Sample 05
18 Results announcement! Sample 06
19 Dynami Boogie Sample 03
19 Dynami Boogie Sample 04
19 Dynami Boogie Sample 05
19 Dynami Boogie Sample 06
19 Dynami Boogie Sample 07
19 Dynami Boogie Sample 08
19 Dynami Boogie Sample 09
19 Dynami Boogie Sample 10
19 Dynami Boogie Sample 11
19 Dynami Boogie Sample 12

Download all the samples in wav files: Dynami Tracer Samples.zip

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